Catch 22

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Is this company the only game in town?
Not really. I just gave them the benefit of calling them first seeing as how they already had a propane tank on the property. I'll try Yankee Propane next week if I can't get through to someone with a brain.
Call her and give her the option:
1) she calls and gives ok for you to talk to them.
2) she calls and reads your questions to them and ? Write answers or have them email answers (not going to happen).
3) you get her account # and make the call.
Why should I be compelled to do business their way ? All I was looking for was a ball park price on what it would take to get an extra tank or a larger one. I don't understand their reasoning as to why they wouldn't give me that info unless the customer called them first. They didn't even know who the customer was at the time. It just ticks me off that the majority of EC's have to work so hard to get some jobs (especially generator jobs) and companies like this are in business in spite of themselves.:rant:
Most likely the person answering the phone at the propane company is following orders, and those orders may be based upon state law.

The propane customer can likely call the company and, with her proper ID, tell them she will be putting you on the phone to ask some questions.
This customer is in NYC and I'm in NJ. She's 80 years old and I haven't met her yet. I'm working through a 3rd party to get this job.
Suburban is up where i am in VT.

I've a bud who works for them locally

He claims they've endured some sort of corporate acquisition via big energy, and doing biz with them isn't what it used to be

See, they've all the energy......and well, the public .....doesn't....

I guess that's how big energy rolls now

This customer is in NYC and I'm in NJ. She's 80 years old and I haven't met her yet. I'm working through a 3rd party to get this job.

NYC, that explains a lot. But where the heck can she be that she doesn't have NG? Also, good luck getting that generator approved. The propane might be the least of your problems.

NYC, that explains a lot. But where the heck can she be that she doesn't have NG? Also, good luck getting that generator approved. The propane might be the least of your problems.

Shouldn't have a problem with the generator. She has a summer home in my town. The home is on a dirt road. She owns most of the property (acres). I guess she never wanted to have a gas line installed. It's in the main street about 100' away.
I stopped at the local outdoor store to pay my CC bill. There name was on the CC. They would accept any payment amount I made, but would not tell me what the balance was.
Bet they would have accepted the card as a purchase payment without verifying you were the rightful owner of the card as well.
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