Back in 1993 when I built my house, I had home run a RG6 from every room in my house. In the larger rooms, I put two in.
I had about 15, F connector terminations on my basement panel and they were all connected to two 8 port splitters that were connected in series. These splitters were then connected to the underground coax going to the pole tap on the street. To be safe and proper, I had called Cablevision prior to doing this and the tech. manager was fine with it. They even supplied the 200' cable for me to pull in the conduit for free!
Fast forward a few months after I finished the build and moved in. I called Cablevision to come and connect the cable to the tap on the pole, and deliver a single converter box. The rest of my TV's were cable ready. :grin:
Well, the contract installer comes and hooks me up and gives me the box. He then sees a few other jacks around the house and proceeds to inquire who wired them. I told him I did, and he asked me to show him the HR location in the basement.
He commented that the work was very neat and correct, but he was going to have to CUT all my jack cables except the one he hooked up to the box! :-?

He told me that if he doesn't cut the additional jack cables that he will have to charge me $10 for "activating" every jack beyond the single one he connected the box to! (a $140 shakedown) Needless to say I had a few choice words for him!
Well, he ended up getting his supervisor on the phone and he was told that he could only charge me if he actually "installed" the jacks. The guy flips out and starts screaming at his boss that he was right and that I should pay no matter what. He actually thought by connecting me up to the tap on the pole, he technically had 'installed' my entire, pre-wired house!

. The supervisor agrees with me and tells the installer to finish the job. At the end of the discussion, the installer leaves my house in a huff, slams my front door, burns out on my gravel driveway with his truck, and races down the street at 80mph with a loose ladder on the truck. Needless to say, I called the supervisor back and made sure that he knew this guy should be fired.
Around here, Cablevision will install if you want to pay. However, if you DIY, they can't charge you anything for a jack (just like the phone co.). They are only responsible for the signal up to your j/b or distribution system.
A few years later in 1996, I was tired of all the snow on the old Cablevision system, and installed DirecTV. I have never looked back and been happier!