Ceiling Fan Install

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New User
Hi Everyone! I recently purchased a new home and the builder placed ceiling fan rough in's throughout the house. I wanted to install a ceiling fan and watched a few youtube videos and read the instructions. I took off the cover that was over the box in the ceiling. The bracket that the fan came with to be installed into the ceiling fan box is not lining up with the holes in the bracket the ceiling fan came with. When I searched google for a ceiling fan box the results do not look like what is in my ceiling. I have attached a picture of the box that is in my ceiling. Is this the correct box to install a ceiling fan? If so can I drill into the middle of the box so that the bracket can fit? My issues is the two screws in the back how come they aren't in the middle so the ceiling fan bracket can fit over it? Any information is greatly appreciated it.

ceiling outlet box.JPG
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