celing fan rated

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I've used them. They're fine, and you can even use them for existing if you have access from above. Just tap the tangs under the joists, and I recommend using all six screws.
I use the remodel version of that one all the time. Very strong brace and can install without going in attic with 2x4,nails etc..

I got one of them too. I figure it would come in handy. That one was about $7.00, i thought it was really good deal.

What are the wire bushings for? ( I saw that's what they are called.)
It's that for the fan support wire?
I've used a few brands of these; they are mostly good. Crouse made 1 that had screws at the ends that could snap, wasn't as good. Some don't work well on 24" joists.
I got one of them too. I figure it would come in handy. That one was about $7.00, i thought it was really good deal.

What are the wire bushings for? ( I saw that's what they are called.)
It's that for the fan support wire?

Yeah I think HD is closing them out, I was paying $15 about 6 months ago and ust recently they dropped to about $8 around here.
I've used a few brands of these; they are mostly good. Crouse made 1 that had screws at the ends that could snap, wasn't as good. Some don't work well on 24" joists.

Yeah I used one once, can't remember what brand but it basically fell apart as I was installing it. I've been using the westinghouse ones for a while and they work ok.
I got one of them too. I figure it would come in handy. That one was about $7.00, i thought it was really good deal.

What are the wire bushings for? ( I saw that's what they are called.)
It's that for the fan support wire?

I've used that version and the remodel version several times. I think you are referring to a 1/2" k.o. black plastic bushing, right? If so, that's a romex clamp. (We call 'em "butt plugs" :grin:)
Yeah I don't remember a wire bushing, They may be calling the black romex connector that or if you have an older version it might the adapter kit to hang hunter original fans with the hook on them
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