Cell phone adapters

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Senior Member
Hello, İs there any difference concerning the safety of a cell between unplugging and removing the adapter end from the phones input? i heard that it is recommended most of time to unplug instead of removing phone from adapter...
Don't think there is a major life threatening occurence possible, unless your significant is anal retentive.

My older Motorola phones had instructions to plug charger into wall after connection to phone. My Droid came with just barely enough instructions to turn it on. Don't remember on the LG.
so there must be an important reason for them to instruct in such an order, first connect adapter to the phone then plug it to the wall ..
I have had a lot of different cell phones in the last 15 years and never had a problem with any of them when unplugging them while the transformer was still plugged into the wall. Many phones have a cradle that you set them in, I dont really see how it would be much different to take it in and out of a cradle while plugged in than plugging and unplugging the jack on the charging cord.
just reasoning what i ask from u, perhaps it is up to the current magnitude of secondary part of the adapter, since it is much bigger than plug side, perhaps there is a clue here...
so there must be an important reason for them to instruct in such an order, first connect adapter to the phone then plug it to the wall ..

I think if it is written in the instructions that way, it is more of a CYA thing on the part of the cell phone manufacture. Thats jus my opinion, I could quite possibly be wrong and just have had dumb luck for all these years:grin:
i have always heard unplug @ outlet first for all electronics. of course i never do it that way. i assume the manufacturers worried about damage from low voltage arcing at the contact points of the flux capacitor during removal.
I've always been of the opinion that the power supply is more likely to have overshoots upon connection to line (120). I try to ALWAYS make the equipment connection last, laptop computer, cellphone, everything but lead acid battery chargers, and that is purely to avoid igniting hydrogen by mistake ... which I saw less than 30 seconds after it happened and don't want to see again.

I "never" unplug our cell phone chargers.
I think it either an urban myth or a CYA as previously posed. The voltage and current levels on a cell phone charge circuit are WAY too low to cause arcing damage from being unplugged. Maybe in the olden days of the "luggable" phones, where you had a bag to carry around the power supply when not plugged into the car (yes, I had one of those), the power on that circuit may have been higher and more likely to do damage. But these little things are usually 9VDC and maybe 10 or 20ma of current. Probably wouldn't even electrocute a wet fly.
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