Challenge vs Question on a forum

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iaov said:
I believe the color of an object is the light frequencies it does not absorb. We see thee frequecies that are reflected. If one does not have a thin skin and take things personaly, one can learn a tremendous amount on this forum. Sometimes it requires asking a DFQ or two.:smile:

I did not research my statement I went from memory, You might well be right.
I do know that what I learned in class has stuck with me for years, and I thought I might clarify the dark statement, I did include the words:
"It is not an objects color that one sees, we see what the object can present in respects to its absorption, or viewable magnetic spectrum."

Anywas this one little fact of physical properties is well misunderstood and often misrepresented.

I'll arm wrestle you over, absorb verses reflective.... :roll:
cadpoint said:
I'll arm wrestle you over, absorb verses reflective.... :roll:

Is this a handicap match...absorbed seems to be associated with a higher level then reflected does..most items only have a small portion reflected of whats available..My question is why would a cow wear milk bone underwear in a pack of wolves..
And I still think there is nothing learned by agreeing.:smile:

Is there a point to this thread? Does it have some innuendo regarding something or someone else? If so, how about making the innuendo more obvious, so dumbbells like me can get it. I don't think it was intended to discuss how black appears to be black, but that was an analogy or something.

If the OP was genuine in his philosophical intent...

You're going to have to accept some things on face value, that you did not know before, just in order to communicate, or to continue your quest for knowlege. You learned words before you learned addition, before you learned trigonometry, before you ever applied it to electricity, before you ever applied it to ...

Remembering things that you did not know before is learning, whether you understand the underlying principle or not. Whether you know why black is black does not diminish from your learning that black is not green, or that black + 2 don't mean a whole lot o nothin.

I don't agree that you cannot learn by accepting someone else's statement on face value without understanding some underlying principle.
You just don't know as much as you would like to know. I hope that continues for all of your (and my ) life.
cadpoint said:
I did not research my statement I went from memory, You might well be right.
I do know that what I learned in class has stuck with me for years, and I thought I might clarify the dark statement, I did include the words:

Anywas this one little fact of physical properties is well misunderstood and often misrepresented.

I'll arm wrestle you over, absorb verses reflective.... :roll:
You probably will whip me arm wrestling but I don't think you see objects in a mirror because the light is absorbed. Perhaps you are confusing this subject with black body radiation. Objects absorb infared (invisible to the human eye)radiation and it causes the electrons to move to a higher energy level. When they move back to thier ground state, they emit visable light. Einstien won his first Nobel Prize with this idea.:grin:
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