Its actually several sections stitched and condensed: 220PIII/IV and 230.42 to 230.79/80can I get a code reference on that?
It's most likely in listing requirements. I don't have access to the full listing requirements. However, from what I do have access to, there seems to be industry support for the notion as presented. For example...yes makes sense, but until the code says that my widget machine needs to be rated at or greater to the circuit rating......(we will keep going around in circles!)
What I meant was that if a widget machine or charge controller can control and vary its power transfer than it may not need to be sized to the circuit capacity. Sure, in theory just because a CC can vary its power transfer, does not necessarily mean it is "smart" enough and has the appropriate heat sensors, programming, etc to not destroy itself, but I have never known of such a thing to be that dumb. I concur with ggun that this is done all the time in the PV world. As an example, I worked on a 1 MW system last December and it had 30 24KW inverters which totals .72 MW. I dont know what the specific breakdown of that difference between STC nameplate and inverter capacity is, but its some combination of voltage, current, losses, clipping, inverter able to exceed rating in lower temps, etc....
Conext? MPPT 60 150 Solar Charge Controller (under PV Array Requirements on page 2-2)
You can find a similar caution or warning in the documentation of other such products. Code-wise, it falls under the catch-all 110.3(B).