charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

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Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

wow! a wotwu issue.

we have the gamut, almost. we still need a few posts from the guys so far down the line that they wouldn't use this site, even if a friend showed them how, gave them a computer, and payed the bill.

nobody believes someone who cries all the way to the bank.

When I started, we were still dealing with the warning that some electricians left "surprises" for those taking their work. i think we have come far.

the only great response was from the guy who shared with his workers. he probably has one of the best crews around his area. I think that is the real middle of the road.

The other extremes are extremes: "be grateful we employ you", and "if you fwu we will fwu".

i have felt like revenge many times, and it only felt good when it went too far. i have learned not to act on it. ...the old 'goes around"..

worked for a guy who often took forever to pay, but he was more than fair when he did.

this would be a more interesting topic to just see the posts without the derogatory personals, so that some of the less popular and politically correct opinions could be posted.

can't tell if i am too arrogant or too lazy to use word to do spell check.

paul :cool:
Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

Originally posted by dillon3c:
--------------------I, just can't beleive what I'm reading on MHE site.Surely the most popular and visited site on the web.To condone stealing and sabotage to get even with the contractor.(shaking my head).I'm not what you call "pro-management" but I'll not sacrifice my name or craft...You guys just did both,in a very big way...
I agree with you 100%. Well said.

This is a perfect example of "Give someone a foot of rope, and they take a mile." :eek:
Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

An employer that tries to make an employee pay for their mistakes is out of line and doing it may be illegal in many areas. Working under conditions like that can only lead to low morale and other problems like mentioned above. You are only shooting yourself in the foot if you think like that.

As an employer there are ways of handling this. If an employee continually screws up you need to find out why. Maybe you have him doing things beyond his capability and he needs training, maybe there is a drug or emotional problem.

Your course of action can be to require further training, a change of job responsibilities, suspension without pay or discharge depending on the circumstance. This all needs to be made clear to the employee upon hiring.

When everybody knows what the rules are and plays by them you have a more productive shop and that's what you are after, not create an atmosphere where your employees hate to work for you.

Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

I just had to add one more thing, when an employer takes money out of your check for something that is out of your control, or in my case a job that I never worked on, that is stealing also. Just because they write the checks, it does not give them the right to take out what they want when they want.

I got one more example, I was working out of state on a job and got my paycheck the following week, in the check was a note that said because I was a passenger in the work truck I didn't need to get paid for the drive home. I immediately quit my job with a few choice words, I had just gotten screwed out of $500 bucks, in my mind that is stealing. Later I got an apology that the bosses wife was trying to save money and didn't get an ok from the owner. I hope someone dose not reply with the "you should feel privileged to be ridding in that truck".
Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

I for one, said earlier that it is illegal to withold money from an employee paycheck.

But what you did in return wasn't right either.

And Jim's coarse of action, well let's just say it isn't right either.

Edit spelling error.

[ January 05, 2005, 05:34 PM: Message edited by: luke warmwater ]
Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

If an employer treats me fair and doesn't steal from me then in return he gets a good worker that never messes up on purpose and i would not steal so much as a wire nut from him.Sorry but if he steals from me first then he better not bend over.Paybacks can be a b----
Always love the way companies think if we are leaving we should give them 2 weeks notice but if they want to fire you you get 1 second.Play fair and i play fair.Do unto others-------
Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

Hal, well put. I think if you practice what you outlined, you will have a smooth running machine of a shop.

Another factor in morale is justice. As simple as it sounds, fairness plays a huge factor in employment and is a keystone of morale. If worker "A" is making $18, and worker "B" has virtually identical qualifications and contributes well and is paid $15, policies will not prevent "B" from finding out about "A" and becoming jealous and feel cheated. "B" will end up looking for another job and you'll end up losing him. Turnover is inefficient.

Oh, sorry. What were we talking about? :D

Edited: Had second thoughts about what I said.

[ January 05, 2005, 08:43 PM: Message edited by: georgestolz ]
Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

"Oh, sorry. What were we talking about? "
Think we are talking about C who replaces B and soon takes A'S job
Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

I agree with Chris. I've had money taken out years ago for small mistakes but not making much money it cost me a lot. I did not do anything except not work so hard and look far a new job.

Sence then I decided I will never pay any damages and I haven't. Once the EC owner pulled in behind be. The mirrors were broken on his van so I didn't see him when I backed up. He wanted me to pay for everything. No way.

As a business owner I will not ask an emploiee to pay for mistakes. Too many mistakes time for new guy. There are too many ways a disgruntal emploiee can screw you it's not worth the few hundred. The can make the customer unhappy, take tools, steal material, damage equipment, not show up, be late, and make false injury claims.

In your price mark-up you should have a few percent for warrenty claims including mistakes, and small damages.

Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

Luke I commend you on your comments.Its guys like JT who want to be spiteful.

Its best to be up front with your employees on how your system works and what you expect.A little communication goes along way.

I don't appreciate comments like JT.I would hate to have an employee like him.
Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

When a company has a recall, cars, appliances whatever, do they charge the employee that designed it wrong?

Sometimes mistakes made by employees can put a company right out of business.

I like Hals response, in the scheme of things you are better off trying to keep morale up then trying to nickle and dime your employees.
Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

Originally posted by iwire:
When a company has a recall, cars, appliances whatever, do they charge the employee that designed it wrong?
No, but they might be out of a job pretty quickly.
Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

Maybe I should say you seem to be out for revenge.I have never withheld payment for any employee.It is illegal.I always try to work with them first.Then its up to me to discipline.
Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

The time will come when everyone who is employeed are paid a percentage of the job.

You work for a company and have a job to wire a house, you get paid 20% of invoice. Or a service call, again 20% of invoice. Alot of businesses are going to this and it's just as bad of an idea as a Flat Rate system for electrical service.

Just my opinion.
Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

A set rate is akin to payment by the hole. I've dabbled in piecework, didn't develop a taste for it.
Re: charging employees for mistakes?? Legal?

Originally posted by jimwalker:
Always love the way companies think if we are leaving we should give them 2 weeks notice but if they want to fire you you get 1 second.Play fair and i play fair.Do unto others-------
Not me.
If an employee doesn't want to give a notice, that's his choice.
If there is some kind of 'bad blood' going on, it's better if doesn't continue the 2 weeks and I would probably tell him thanks, but no thanks on the offer.

Luke I commend you on your comments

I'm just throwing things out there.
I personally agree with Hal. And I have a great relationship with my guys.

If one of my guys screwed something up, I know that he would come to me with a look of guilt in his eyes, and admit his error.
I then would probably call him a knucklehead. I also wouldn't lose my cool over it. Losing your cool in front of an employee can most certainly cost you his respect. Even if he's the lowest of the low.

I've never asked one of my guys to pay for a screw up. But that's my choice. I know what it's like to have my face in the dirt.
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