circuit tracers

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Senior Member
Re: circuit tracers

Gee I have had a Greenlee circuit tracer for years, and used it multiple dozens of dozens of times and had no problems with it at all . Did you guy's that call them certain names bother with reading the manuals that were supplied with the units?


Senior Member
Indianapolis, IN
Retired Engineer
Re: circuit tracers

Originally posted by badjeepr:
ok... i just received my amprobe at-2005. time to go play with it and see how well it performs. wish me luck

[ September 09, 2005, 02:56 PM: Message edited by: bdarnell ]


Senior Member
Indianapolis, IN
Retired Engineer
Re: circuit tracers

Originally posted by badjeepr:
ok... i just received my amprobe at-2005. time to go play with it and see how well it performs. wish me luck
You won't need luck. It just works.


Re: circuit tracers

certainly did macmike..numerous times. and...the unit i purchased was supplied with a video to assit usage and after tlaking to tech support in regards to my dissatisafaction. the tech stated he wouldve rathered i had never watched the video. stated it made usage of the tracer oversimplified and continued to say that the greenlee 2011 required a certain "finesse" or knack to be operated corectly. i call bologna.i can guess at a circuit for free...why would i want to purchase equipment for that purpose and still have to guess at results. :roll:


Re: circuit tracers

and one last thing...after experimenting with my new AT-2005 i agree with everyone elses comments..the greenlee 2001 circuit tracer is a P.O.S. and has no real use other than to provide spacing on storage shelves. ;)


Senior Member
Right here.
Re: circuit tracers

I find it interesting that in the week or two since this thread started, bids on the AT-2005 on eBay have greatly increased. I thought maybe I'd try to get me one on eBay and retire the old 3M unit. It seems lots of other guys may have had the same idea.


Re: circuit tracers

i just paid $899 for my AT-2005 mds but i needed it A.S.A.P. used it all weekend identifying all the circuits in a health clinic w/o disrupting any power and i believe it to be money well spent. im sure u can find a better deal through an actual wholesale house. but my supplier stated the factory was out until october,therefore i purchased from an online store whom had 1 in stock.


Senior Member
Re: circuit tracers

Volt 101 I have an amprobe at4005 on order at the moment. Why do you say that the manual one is better? I have several spots where I need to check for shorted wires underground as well as being able to use it for inside tracing.


Re: circuit tracers

stew...i believe that volt 101 was referring to the greenlee 2011 as "auto gain" the at2005 is all manual and after using mine extensively last weekend... i believe it will suit your needs just fine


Senior Member
Re: circuit tracers

I now have the 2011 and I wish I didn't It replaced a 2005 that was stolen off a job sit and the automatic function doesn't work good at narrowing down the signal when your trying to zero in on the point of the problem. The 2005 or the 2007 both have a manual thumb wheel to adjust the gain and allows you to zero in on a short or open in the conductor.
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