Cities that use conduit not Romex

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Hi all

New to the Forum. I am a licensed bonded and insured electrician in the Chicagoland area. Those who live here know that we use conduit (not romex ) for everything. Residential is almost the same as commercial work.

My main question is what other cities have the same code requirements for residential?

Thank you.

The only one I have heard offor sure is Chicago.
But NYC might be that way too.
It takes a strong union town to get it passed and keep it in effect.
If I remember correctly NYC allows MC cable for commercial work and NM cable for single family dwellings.
Hi all

New to the Forum. I am a licensed bonded and insured electrician in the Chicagoland area. Those who live here know that we use conduit (not romex ) for everything. Residential is almost the same as commercial work.

My main question is what other cities have the same code requirements for residential?

Thank you.


Are you allowed to use MC/FMC?
... It takes a strong union town to get it passed and keep it in effect.
That, or a fire.

"The month after the fire, Joseph Medill (1823-99) was elected mayor after promising to institute stricter building and fire codes ... "

" ... His victory might also be attributable to the fact that most of the city’s voting records were destroyed in the fire, so it was next to impossible to keep people from voting more than once."
Ah, Chicago. Vote early, vote often and vote for the Democrat of your choice.
I assume non metallic raceways are out of the question as well in Chicago?

Maybe allowed if concrete encased?
Some, perhaps most, of Chicago's suburbs adopted the Chicago code and required EMT when I lived there, but that was eons ago and may have changed.
This may sound like splitting hairs to people in the rest of the world, but one thing that people who live in Chicago and who live in its suburbs agree on is that a suburb is most definitely "outside of Chicago". (even if it's conterminous)
Some, perhaps most, of Chicago's suburbs adopted the Chicago code and required EMT when I lived there, but that was eons ago and may have changed.
This may sound like splitting hairs to people in the rest of the world, but one thing that people who live in Chicago and who live in its suburbs agree on is that a suburb is most definitely "outside of Chicago". (even if it's conterminous)
Like other large cities, Chicago probably has absorbed structures, towns, other developments that originally were not part of Chicago, and those were likely allowed to remain as is, but additions need to follow new codes.
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