Class 1 Division 2, Conduit Bodies

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Article 501.10.b.4 States that Boxes and fittings don't need to be rated Explosion-Proof (except as required...). I read this as being able to use standard threaded conduit bodies (LBs, Tees, Condulets...) in a Class 1 Division 2 area. I am retrofitting a building to Cl1 Div2 and the conduit system feeding the existing lighting is RMC with Threaded Steel Fittings. I don't want to have to replace them with Cl1 Div1 Fittings. Am I reading this section correctly? I know that I have to replace the Light Fixtures and provide Seals at those locations.


Staff member
Mission Viejo, CA
Professional Electrical Engineer
You are reading the Section correctly; most conduit bodies are not required to be explosionproof.

While we are at it, even though the luminaires will need to be upgraded, you may not (probably won't in fact) need to seal them. Where you will need seals is at your boundaries. You do have your area classification properly documented, right?
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