Closet light.... switches

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In the one and only house with bifolds w/switches I have ever done the finish carpenter used small 3/4" L brackets on the inside bottem of the doors to depress and release the switch.

Worked pretty slick as I remember.
kjfelec said:
we have used a taco 6 zone relay control with the low voltage ball switch and ran everything to that. more wire and such but works pretty good.

Do you get those at the Bell...........
just kidding
I like that Idea of using those taco Zone controller I've only used them for Hydronic controlls.
I'm also in the Remcon camp. Jamb switches wind up to be much more of a pain than they are worth. I've fit those relays in a multitude of fixtures and in terms or switching those round magnets that some posted are slick and you can also use the rectangular ones that you used to see in a lot of alarm applications or a ball switch. Odd thing about those are not many people here in CO has heard of them. Whenever I need them I have to order them online (perhaps w/ more digging I could find them locally, but I've tried at least a half dozen places and noone has even heard of them).
I use these,

Model # 3030-12 from Just a simple recessed magnetic switch, 3/8th hole required in the door jamb.

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I's assuming that the installed cost to the homeowner for this is roughly $100. To each his own. I'll stick with a light switch in my own house. Yes, I'm cheap! But since the customer is "always" right, sock it to them it that's what they just gotta have.

I'm in a sour mood. My F150 blew it's head gasket, had to have four dead trees removed, AND the 22 HP B&S engine on the mower is also in the shop - again - for valve problems. And, estimated taxes are due next week. Talk about a negarive cash flow month!!!

That lv relay is pretty sweet I always struggled to cut jamb switches in myself what a pita. The taco relay sounds even more cost eficient when doing multiple closets. Stick it up in the attic near the bedrooms not too much wasted wire.
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