Commercial Branch Lighting Circuits

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Re: Commercial Branch Lighting Circuits

Todd, you have made the claim,
you want that info research it yourself. i did, and that is what i base my findings on.
now it's you who must back it up.

I don't see where Scott is asking you to do anything for him, he simply asked you to show your research or findings. Is this a secret your hoarding?

By the way, you list yourself as an electrician, yet you say you design,

i design and build commercial/industrial lighting, power distribution. i double check all lighting and power calculations, including my own, to ensure that all loads are distributed properly and evenly and iaw the nec.
who stamps your designs?

I for one am not clear.


[ March 19, 2003, 10:21 PM: Message edited by: roger ]
Re: Commercial Branch Lighting Circuits


This subject is getting too hot! If I have offended you somehow, I do apologize. Personally I do not load circuits up to maximum, only was pointing out the key items of design, MCCB ratings and basic NEC.
Let's end this now and go on to much happier discussions!

Can't We All Just Get Along???!!!

Bob and Roger,

Thanks for the supporting messages!!!

Re: Commercial Branch Lighting Circuits

Scott, your diplomacy is to be admired.

I agree,
Let's end this now and go on to much happier discussions!
Re: Commercial Branch Lighting Circuits

It was going to happen. :(

Can we have a section for insulting each other? :p

BTW I do not like the fact that you guys know more than me. :mad:

Re: Commercial Branch Lighting Circuits

if i sounded a little testy i apologize. every electrician does thing differently. i know this, that the way i do it may not be the way others do it, but it works for me. i don't violate the code, i give ample amount of protection i make the job work even with discrepencies. i may not be an engineer, but then again engineers aren't electricians either. "looks good on paper" doesn't always apply to the field. so i apologize and i hope that you remember, that it is guys like me that make your work look good. sorry scott. can we go back to the forum now?
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