I am an electrician with several years experience, and now maintain commercial kitchen equipment in a large hotel. We have remodeled and put in all new equipment. Of coarse, we now have all GFI receptacles. We started experiencing nusiance tripping after the first few months of operation, in all areas of the new kitchens, on several types of eq. from food warmers to convection ovens and refrigeration eq. I have suggested that those circuits that have shared nuetrals should be rewired, and of coarse it was pointed out that this is allowed in the code. However, I have been reading the threads on this subject, and I see that there may be other problems. Nusiance tripping in comm. kit. eq. seems to be common. Does anyone support my idea that shared nuetrals is part of the problem? And what other things might be causing this? Motor starting? Heating elements turning on? I'm thinking inductive reactance in these might cause a problem for a GFI. Most importantly, does anyone have a solution? :-?