Commercial Kitchens

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quogueelectric said:
Maybe you can kill some poor unsuspecting employee or customer yet. Do you think a fire or an explosion would be better for a trial attorney. I hope you are a DBA so they can go after you personal assets too before they jail you. I cannot believe you even entertain the thought of defeating the gas shutdown so you dont have to relight the pilots. You should be arrested in my opinion.

Please tell me how I defeated the gas shutdown?? if the Ansel system goes off everything goes off with it..I have not defeated anything by adding a backup so that it stabilizes the power source during normal operation..why would you wish ill fate on anyone??I was always told never to throw stones when you live in glass house..
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appologies in order

appologies in order

cschmid said:
Please tell me how I defeated the gas shutdown?? if the Ansel system goes off everything goes off with it..I have not defeated anything by adding a backup so that it stabilizes the power source during normal operation..why would you wish ill fate on anyone??I was always told never to throw stones when you live in glass house..
I thought you were bypasing the safety to not have to relight the pilot. Upon further review of your posts I now correctly understand you have added a ups system to stabilize the voltage yet it too will shut down in the event of an ansul release. I hope this is also tied into a general alarm from the facp as is all fan shut down and door releases. I do wish ill fate on those that put others lives in jeopardy to take shortcuts but this is not the case here although I dont recall any mention of a shunt trip kitchen panel or how you tied the ansul system into the alarm initiating ckt of the facp. Sorry
ahh I did not use shunt trip breakers..I built a panel and us definite purpose relays to control every thing.. the power from the ups runs to the Ansel system relay and then back to energize the definite purpose brown outs do not affect the pilots but if the Ansel system goes off all relays denergize..only draw back is that with relays that are energized 24/7 is that the coils fail and you have to replace relays once in a while..The only thing that is not on the system, as the Fire Marshall did not specific was the jar lights that are in the hood..I will correct that..I now have some more info to work with then a list from the Fire Marshall telling us what they wanted it to operate..our fire system is not tied into anything as our fire department requirs a third party when it goes off we have to call the fire department..
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gas shut off

gas shut off

i have wired a system just as larryfine stated he was told to have the gas shut-off with the exhaust fan manually as well as by the ansul system when it's triggered.
the owners want to be able to turn the exhaust fan off at night but not loose the pilots because of this.i can wire it this way but, did we find out if this way would be aceptable by the fire marshall? as i have a inspection monday to test the system.
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