Computer Equipment Being Damaged

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We service computers and install voice and data communications equipment.

A client of ours has had to repair five computers over the last year for power related problems. Now the phone system is acting up. We had an electrician and the utility company come out but no one can find anything wrong.

Most of the computers are on different branch circuits from one another.

Should we call the Utility again or another electrician? Can something in the office be causing this? It's starting to get rather expensive for our client.

Re: Computer Equipment Being Damaged

lets start with just how many they have total.If they have 50 computers then 5 not a big deal.Maybe small UPS is in order.They are as little as $125 at Sams and could run 2 on each one.I have 3 of them in my house keeping 5 computers running.In FL. the lightning stae this is almost a must.
Re: Computer Equipment Being Damaged

Start with an electrician and have him look at the neutral circuit from the transformer to the equipment. Look for a neutral with loose/poor connections and multi-grounds. If that does not turn up anything time for a PQ analyzer.
Re: Computer Equipment Being Damaged

Hello jtr

In your post you mention that the customer has had to repair 5 computers in the past year due to power problems- how were they able to determine that power was the culprit? I bring it up because they may already have a power quality monitor on site, although I also realize that power problems are frequently blamed for computer problems without proof.

If the utility and electrician have already been out investigating, then you need to contact a power quality firm.

Do you know what sort of damage the computers suffered? Same with the voice and data- what sort of symptoms are they experiencing?

If you can provide this information, I may be able to pass along some things that you can check out yourself without having to call in someone.

Good luck,

Re: Computer Equipment Being Damaged

JTR we had this very problem and it took a windy day to find it as it was a bad neutral connection crimp at the tap (MGN) by the transformer, which was pole mounted. We had the POCO out twice with the same results that you had and it took some arguing to get them to do a PQ test with a recorder to find it, as it only occurred on a windy day. We now have our own recorder that we can do our own PQ test and it has saved allot of arguing with the utility company as when there shown the print out it's hard to argue with it. especially when it's doing damage. and they know that after that point they can be held liable.
Re: Computer Equipment Being Damaged

i fuuly agree with what derick suggested. there can be a multitude of possibilities that can be the culpert! sometimes another electrician will find it if only from a different expieriance than the other. we have found some real crazy things! things that drive the power quality equipment nuts! how about someone crossing a neutral connected from another floor's transformer? or spliced together with other circuit neutrals-- like a copy machine! or loose neutral inside the transformer. you almost have to go --hands on - and follow this circuit from the power source to the computer outlet! then you could have a bad group of computers --you don't think the manufacturer is gonna admit it do you? the dedicated ground needs just as much attention for proper installation too!
Re: Computer Equipment Being Damaged

Some questions to ask; was any work recently performed before this occurrance? Check for EGC connections to the Grounded conductor. Has any kind of surge protection been installed to protect the computers from the equipment from within the building, such as elevators, AC, lazer printers, etc...
Re: Computer Equipment Being Damaged

Originally posted by jimwalker:
lets start with just how many they have total.If they have 50 computers then 5 not a big deal.Maybe small UPS is in order.They are as little as $125 at Sams and could run 2 on each one.I have 3 of them in my house keeping 5 computers running.In FL. the lightning stae this is almost a must.
5 is not a big deal? How naive (and wrong) you are. Any problem, even effecting just one computer is too many. If something dmagaes one computer, it can easily damage all the computers.
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