Conductor size suggestions


Senior Member
I can come out if the meter. It would be a bit more work as I’d have to disassemble some stuff.

Never ran across a new install ( 1 year) that’s seemingly so difficult to work on.

Contractor came out of the meter bottom and then went underground and back up into the disconnect 2’ away.

A 2’ 2” PVC nipple into the side of the can would have been quite easy.
Was hoping to dissemble as little as needed.

Good point with confirming it with the POCO.

It is in an area that I’m unfamiliar with their allowable practices.
👍. Can you come right out of the meter base and skip the j box?

By the way, might want to just confirm that's okay with the utility, I have heard of a few utilities that don't allow the use of that exception.
I don't see why the POCO would care about using 230.40 ex #3, perhaps some have requirements about the service disconnects being grouped or within a certain distance of the meter (never have come across it personally, but someone on The forum here a year or so ago said it wasn't allowed there).