Fire Pump Voltage Drops.
Fire Pump Voltage Drops.
Note that the fire pump wiring must be sized to allow no more than a 5% voltage drop when the motor is running at 1.15% of motor rated FLA. This calculation can be done at 85% Power Factor using the last six columns in Table 9 in Chapter 9 and can now be measured at the controller outlet terminals instead of the motor terminals.
However, the maximum 15% voltage at the controller inlet terminals must be calculated using the complex impedances according to the "X" and "R" values given in first eight columns of the same Table and calculated at a 0.3 to 0.4 Power Factor which is what the motor is at locked rotor.
In both cases the impedance of the service conductors (No. 1 in the diagram) must be taken into account as well as the impedance of the utility transformer. The transformer upstream impedance can normally be taken as zero (E.G.: ignored under the assumption of an "infinite bus"). Since the fire pump is the largest load (larger than all of the other loads combined), the utility transformer impedance will probably be a significant factor.
The utility should be able to give at least an estimate of the X to R ratio at the transformer secondary for adding to the locked rotor voltage drop (15% max.) at locked rotor. The transformer rated (nameplate) impedance can usually be used for the 115% FLA voltage drop (5% max.) calculations.
Hope this helps some.