Conduit body fill

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United States
I cannot find the quantity of #4 THHN conductors which may be installed in a 1.5" LB
3.16 C directs me to Table 1 of Chapter 9, but this is a 90 angle so I look at 314.28 which is about pull boxes.
IT APPEARS THAT 10 #4 THHNS will be able to be installed in 1.5" EMT
iS IT ALSO TRUE FOR A 1.5" lb?
314.28(A)(2) & (A)(3) pretty much lay out the rules. For conductors #4 and larger it's 6X unless permitted by the marking on the conduit body.
When your conductors are #4 and larger, the pull box rules in 314.28 and not the box fill rules in 314.16 apply. The specific rule would be 314.28(A)(3), but you will not find an conduit body that is marked for ten #4s. You will have to use a conduit body that meets the 6x spacing rule.
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When your conductors are #4 and larger, the pull box rules in 314.28 and not the box fill rules in 314.16 apply. The specific rule would be 314.28(A)(3), but you will not find an conduit body that is marked for ten #4s. You will have to use a conduit body that meets the 6x spacing rule.

I agree, the question is then does the mogul LB with a length of 28" comply when used with a 4" raceway.
I agree, the question is then does the mogul LB with a length of 28" comply when used with a 4" raceway.
Probably not. They give the overall dimension and after you allow for that and take off the OD of the conduit, you will not have 24" between the raceway entries.
2nd page list maximum amount and size of conductors in Crouse Hinds LB's (see LBNEC10 it's a 4" mogul)
If the distance between the conduit entries is not a least 6 times the trade size of the raceway, it doesn't matter what is on any document. The code rule specifically says the marking as to the maximum size and number of conductors must be on the conduit body itself.
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