I think that is just saying that adjustment factors are required and should be considered if the conduits aren't spaced. But it also doesn't say what the spacing is. Can they touch? lol.
References 2023 NEC
800.133(B) Other Applications.
Communications wires and cables and CATV-type coaxial cables
shall be separated at least 50 mm (
2 in.) from conductors of any electric light, power, Class 1, non-power-limited fire alarm, or medium-power network-powered broadband communications circuits.
(Hard pressed to see how this can be complied with when inside another conduit with current carrying conductors.)
310.15(C)(2) Raceway Spacing.
Spacing between raceways shall be maintained.
Whatever that really means. Other than they can't touch or cross. Not sure how it would be accomplished with flexible conduit within another conduit. )
300.3(C) Conductors of Different Systems.
(1) 1000 Volts ac, 1500 volts dc, Nominal, or Less.
Conductors of ac and dc circuits rated 1000 volts ac, 1500 volts dc, nominal, or less shall be permitted to occupy the same equipment wiring enclosure, cable, or raceway. All conductors shall have an insulation rating equal to at least the maximum circuit voltage applied to any conductor within the enclosure, cable, or raceway.
Secondary wiring to electric-discharge lamps of 1000 volts ac, 1500 volts dc, or less, if insulated for the secondary voltage involved, shall be permitted to occupy the same luminaire, sign, or outline lighting enclosure as the branch-circuit conductors.