Connect 4 wire spa to 3 wire

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New member
Mesa, AZ
I have received conflicting advice on a spa install I was hoping to get input. I have an existing 220 outlet previously used for a welder. It is a 3 Wire hook up (appears #6 aluminum). My intent was to utilize that run for a spa hook up.

One electrician has said I need to run a whole new 4 wire set up from main panel. Another has said we can utilize the existing wiring by adding a sub panel and if we add a separate ground wire affixed to a stand alone ground stake.

The main panel is quite a distance ....So the cost to DO A full 4 wire replacement from there makes the other option (adding a ground stake) pretty attractive. Both claim option they propose is safe.....But the one proposing the full 4 wire run claims the ground stake option is dangerous.

Is he trying to upsell me or is there really a danger?

Really appreciate any feedback.


You need to find an electrician that knows what he is doing..

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You are asking strangers who have never seen your place, installation or setup to comment on the opinions of two professional electricians (assuming here) who HAVE seen everything. Also important is that your LOCAL CODE may or may not permit this. Were I in your position, I would take this information to your local building dept. and ask to speak to an electrical inspector in YOUR jurisdiction.
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