Point is that you don't need that for TP ethernet, won't hurt though.
Cost it out- if fiber is only 10-15% more expensive when installed, it's foolish not to use it. (It's also foolish to install only a single pair when a 3-pair cable doesn't cost much more.)
Or, if someone asked me to install an ethernet cable between buildings, I would do my level best to convince them to use fiber. Just as we're doing here .
Kind of got that backwards chapter 7 modify prior chapters that are always in play. So conditions in chapter 2-4 (225 is one) can be modified by conditions connected to chapters 5-7 (725 is one). So there being no reference in 725 to interconnection between buildings or structures leave you back to conditions in 225, I believe PoE exclusively applying (725 wiring) and not strict communications (Chapter 8). Per Article 90.3 (2023 NEC)