Contaminated Sheetrock

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Senior Member
New Orleans,LA
thats funny...just as i was reading this a commercial came on fox about it...its a big deal locally(new orleans)...evidently alot of houses after Katrina have this stuff in them...they showd some pics of the wiring and it was corroded badly...more work


Senior Member
Wilmington, NC
I remember reading something a while back that said China's environmental state is like that of the USA in the 1920's. We figured it out (somewhat) and cleaned up our act. They, on the other hand, have not.


They will have to, or they will exterminate themselves (and I think they are smarter than that).


Senior Member
If it just has the rotten egg smell of sulfur then it's just sulfur dioxide and shouldn't be dangerous to work around.

Ventilate the house real good after the sheet rock is removed and it shouldn't be to bad.

People in the old days would drink sulfur water as a tonic ( I have smelled it but never drank any). Sulfur is also known as brimstone and that can't be good.

I really don't understand why the Chinese don't dispose of their toxic waste the way we do. Feed it to school children. :grin:

who's school children do you think they are feeding it to?

sad part, we are seeing the effects of globalization....just as our current government is pushing heavily for more and more globalization...what could possibly go wrong?
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