Continuous Electrical Power Consumption of Well Motor

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New User
ANYBODY !!!....

I have a 240 volt water well that continues to draw electric power after the pressure switch has turned the pump motor off.

I have closely checked that both the pressure switch contacts are in fact open in the above condition.

I have verified this by checking the meter cycles before and after turning off the breaker to the well at the control panel.

Why is it still drawing power when the breaker is on ???

What am I missing :????

THX for your timely attention to this conundrum ..
Is the well the only thing on the meter? Otherwise you cannot just compare the difference in value to what you think the pump should draw.
If the meter is accurate, the only possibilities other than other equipment on the meter would be a short circuit upstream of the pressure relay that is not bad enough to trip a breaker.

Get an electrician to look at it rather than doing anything yourself, as you have a potentially very dangerous situation.

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