Control Circuit Help

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Senior Member
Electrical worker
please cconsider

please cconsider

in a tight temp control design the best method is PID control other than that vfd ,you must have lead/lag /purge supervision if gas fuel is used or you will backfire(not nice been there) a PID controller with pulsed ouput to a static relay and heating coils or approved gas solenoid with permanent lighted pilot burner will give very tight control all other systems will have a deadband inherent to the controller and work in an envelope of temperatures-this is frequently misunderstood especially in vulcanising eqiupment and thermosetting plastics NEC codes are not to be overlooked it may affect customers insurance

Little Bill

Staff member
Tennessee NEC:2017
Semi-Retired Electrician
I'm awaiting more info from the customer on what exactly he's going to do with this setup. I'm also 99.99% sure I won't be doing anything with this except maybe helping with assembly if someone (qualified) designs this thing. Looks too deep for me to get involved with.
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