Convert 208V L6-30R to L5-30R?

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New member
If I have a 208V 30A circuit, terminated in L6-30R, is there any reason (code, best practices, ?) why I could not/should not cap one hot wire, reterminate with L5-30R or even 5-20R duplex, and use that circuit for 120V equipment? I'm a heavy user of electrical circuits (data center in California) but I'm not an electrician. Thanks!
If I have a 208V 30A circuit, terminated in L6-30R, is there any reason (code, best practices, ?) why I could not/should not cap one hot wire, reterminate with L5-30R or even 5-20R duplex, and use that circuit for 120V equipment? I'm a heavy user of electrical circuits (data center in California) but I'm not an electrician. Thanks!

No, you can not do what you say without wiring changes and / or breaker replacement.

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