Ok Ok. I can't sit back and listen to this B.S. without chiming in. It appears everyone has been falling into the hype of the media. Does everyone think we are simply entitled to $2 gallon gasoline? I guess we're all entitled to food stamps and the like also! Our supply has stayed the same due to restrictions in drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, etc...yet our demand has skyrocketed over this same period. I am sure there are a number of people reading this who own SUV gas hogs, etc., and that could be part of the reason why our consumption has gone so high. And then there are those who complain about gas prices but they sure haven't change their lifestyles. A guy at the gas station the other day was bitching and moaning about prices, yet he was gassing up his boat and SUV for $137...something wrong with this picture? If it's that bad, then cut back buddy! There was a time in my life when I had to use my credit card to purchase a bag of chips and a soda. Do you know what I did???? I went out and worked a little bit harder. It's not that hard to figure out. Work harder and more efficiently and good things will happen. I get so tired of hearing the media say how horrible the economy is and how the real estate bubble is going to burst, blah blah blah. Fact of the matter is that the economy is flourishing, the bubble is not going to bust, and we are in the greatest country in the world. I will spare you all my argument for the War in Iraq. We have some great men and women fighting for our freedoms. Maybe we should all go live in Mexico today if we have it so bad. We have everything anyone could want living in America. Rock on!