~Autocorrect is My Worst Enema.~
- Occupation
- E
Often these thefts ate done with enough intelligence that the customer look at the electrician there to fix it like , " Its one of your kind that did this not a crack head."
In one situation we replaced some feeders and it was stolen again. The second time we replaced it we were glared at and watched the whole time we were there. The thief came back. He had tied something to the dock leveler so he could release it from outside the bldg and crawl in .
yep. it's not a crackhead with rubbermaid gloves and pruning shears cutting out live 480.....
i've replaced stuff that was obviously stolen by a sparky. the oddest one was 1,000' of 500 MCM
that disappeared off a roof.... when i got up there, the 90's at each end of the run had been cut
and the stuff pulled out and rolled up and dropped off the roof.... and they left a wire behind, only
took three wires, and didn't just drag them off behind a truck, but carefully rolled them up to protect
the insulation.
they didn't take the fourth wire 'cause they were only pulling three phase on THEIR job, and didn't need it.
nothing else makes sense.