Thanks again for all the insight, especially winnie, rattus and brian. Please allow me to summarize my thoughts on this corner grounded topic. First, if one phase is intentionally grounded the load will still see this as a three phase supply. Secondly, if one were to touch an enclosure that was bonded with said grounded conductor, the chance of getting shocked is slim because the equipment's potential is very low because it is bonded to the frame of the transformer, ges, and connected to one of the transformer's windings and will open the ocpd when one of the ungrounded conductors shorts to ground. Thirdly, in an ungrounded system, one should not get shocked by touching properly grounded equipment that contains a single fault because it's potential is also kept low due to being bonded, via the equipment ground, to the frame of the transformer and grounding electrode system. However, because there is no connection to the source the ocpd will only open when a second fault occurs. Is what I have stated above correct?