Correctly tieing in a generator to the Utility Grid

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What is a "grid-tie-in converter" and how would it apply to an asynchronous induction alternator?

Grid tie-in converter = grid tie inverter = synchronous inverter = synchronous converter* = some other names

*which is often used in referring to a rotary converter machine, not a solid state one

Take the output of the alternator, rectify it, and feed it into a sync inverter, and bang, pretty much all the control and freq problems go away. OTOH they're not as cheap or interesting as a home-built system.
Just tell the customer to buy a real generator, set up to run on methane and be done with it.

No kidding. I know Caterpillar makes 'em, we've got one plant over here generating electricity from methane pulled from a landfill.
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