Creative way of terminating GEC to ground rod

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Perhaps you'd like to witness each and every electrician tightening the screw with their torgue screwdriver??? :happysad:

Comments like that are the exact reason I have only 1700 posts but have been a member for 10 years. Just not worth it, but like a moron I keep coming back.

Just so happens I do not even require a verification letter from the contractor that all terminations have been torqued. I believe the contractor has responsibility for his work in certain areas. If I was a big muscle flexer, I would ask for EMT set screw connectors to be torqued.
Comments like that are the exact reason I have only 1700 posts but have been a member for 10 years. Just not worth it, but like a moron I keep coming back.

Just so happens I do not even require a verification letter from the contractor that all terminations have been torqued. I believe the contractor has responsibility for his work in certain areas. If I was a big muscle flexer, I would ask for EMT set screw connectors to be torqued.
Lighten up! I was just heckling you in jest...:weeping:
When I see more than a #6 on a ground rod, I feel awkward like, one of us is ignorant. Observer or installer?
I did not engineer this project, nor did I install it. So I guess that makes me an observer. :blink:

Here is an excerpt from the stamped engineered plans showing the 4/0 GEC to the ground rod:


For the record, the company that designed the system and made the plans is not the same company that did the installation.
Even ignoring any L&L or manufacture's instructions issues, it seems inappropriate to connect a 4/0 copper GEC to a 5/8" ground rod using only a 1/4" bronze screw to secure the lay-in lug to the water pipe clamp.

Is it really inapropriate or does it just look odd?

Consider the bonding screw for panelboards up to 400 amps is often just a 10-32 screw.

Consider the lugs on many large Siemens panels are installed with just 10-32 screws.
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