It is gas line installation, or at least part of that task. If I do it, I now have some liability tied to that gas line.
From a facilities owner perspective and knowing what I do about the issues with this CSST, I'd demand they run black pipe. The CSST may save some labor, but then is offset by having to hire an electrician to bond it, and you still end up with CSST and potential hairpin leaks - no thank you.
Some of my opinion here is based on fact they are installing an inferior product and I don't want anything to do with it. I can find other work that is worth doing.
There were problems with the old Yellow jacketed CSST. To date there has not been any reported problems with the black jacketed arc resistant CSST piping.
Like I said in an earlier post the yellow CSST can no longer be used in my state.
In my state the gas line installed in new housing construction is CSST, period... If the builder says the electrician is responsible for bonding the CSST to ground I guess the residential electrical contractor can tell the builder to go to hell. Trust me there are plenty of other residential electrical contractors that will take their place.
Like I said it's work, why give it away?
Standard CSST installed inside or attached to a building or structure shall be electrically continuous and direct-bonded to the electrical ground system of the premises in which it is installed.
shall be electrically continuous
What come to mind when you read that?
In my mind I seen the appliance, equipment, the gas line is servicing. In the majority of cases the appliance, equipment, is electrically powered. The appliance, equipment, is connected to the electrical service equipment ground. The CSST extends the EGC to the gas meter/piping outside the house. A path is provided for lightning to travel on the corrugated stainless steel piping of the CSST to the appliance, equipment, through the EGC to the electrical panel to the GEC to earth.
Could the electronics in the appliance ,equipment, be damaged in the event of a near by lightning strike?
Bonding the gas line at the outside or directly after entering the house provides a direct path to earth. The shorter the better.