Current on water spigot

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a west said:
Need some help please. Today i was call to a home, customer being shocked from bathtub. House has new wiring plus old wiring. Went to oulet in bath and with my meter with one probe in oulet and the other touching sink sigot meter showed 117 volts. House has gav. pipe. Went to basement and check for grounds on piping, found nothing. Any suggestions for trouble shooting this problem. Thanks,
Hey a west what was the problem to this trouble call and did u correct it.
shock to tub

shock to tub

a west said:
Need some help please. Today i was call to a home, customer being shocked from bathtub. House has new wiring plus old wiring. Went to oulet in bath and with my meter with one probe in oulet and the other touching sink sigot meter showed 117 volts. House has gav. pipe. Went to basement and check for grounds on piping, found nothing. Any suggestions for trouble shooting this problem. Thanks,
I would first try to tick the source the last time this happened to me it was the plumber hit a j box with a screw for the grab bar in the shower energizing the grabbar customer reached for the diverter valve and bang watch him dance the funky chicken. I traced it out with a ckt tracer.
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