Customer wants a 20amp circuit in bedroom for a microwave

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Senior Member
The panel is zinsco (thanks guys) so since they don't make AFCI zinsco breakers, is it ok to use a non-AFCI breaker? Do they make AFCI outlets yet? Thank you for your help.
i think they do make cafci outlets. Don't get just an afci, they no longer are good for 2008

but the home run has to be in a metal jacket (emt, a/c) not sure if flex works.
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time to put on your "salesman" hat & explain to the homeowner the Zinsco risk & replacement breaker cost. If that fails, it sub-panel time
combination afci for both series and parallel shorts, i think

but I agree that a Zinsco panel is not something they should want to keep, if they can afford it.
What's wrong with a bedroom mini-bar?


Why not install a regular breaker, and use that circuit to feed a 2-circuit subpanel? Install an AFCI there.
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