Damage claim need help to document

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I probably should have said provide enough information to convince a jury or a judge as the case may be. You are correct that the standards of proof in a civil case are not near as high as in a criminal case.

Civil trials you win with 'a preponderance of evidence' or 'clear and convincing evidence'. As long as you tip the scales of justice in your favor, you win. it doesn't matter how far from 50/50. As long as you tip the scales your way. 50.0001/49.9999 gets you a judgement in your favor.

In criminal trails you must prove the case 'beyond a reasonable doubt.'
The only possibilities are that the guy who did the damage didn't know he did, or knew and hoped that nobody would ever know.

What he did immediately after the damage is important. That he agree or understand why it blew when it did is not important.
The NEC is an installation code...it does not apply to damage caused after the original installation. It is just a liability issue, not a code issue. You don't need any code sections, you just need to be able to prove that the failure was in fact caused by the damage.
Bingo. Don has the right answer.
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