Danger Living Near Power Lines

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... okay, okay..

... okay, okay..

I'm sold.
I'm buying a gaussmeter.
I had no idea of such a high prevalence of electromagnetic radiation, or the usefulness of the meter in troubleshooting it.
My thanks to Karl.
mayanees said:
I'm sold.
I'm buying a gaussmeter.

Unfortunately the $200 gaussmeter that Karl recommends, the Bell 4080 Triaxial, is no longer available. The Bell 4180 is over $300.00.

Any recommendations Karl.
That's too bad. The 4080 was a real bargain. But the 4180 ($295) supplants it, so I guess that is the new cost of an accurate 3-axis gaussmeter. There is a wide selection on Lessemf.com.

One-piece single-axis meters are a pain to use though one like the MSI-95 has a separate flexible sensor and much easier to use (see magneticsciences.com). [disclosure: I designed it years ago but get no royalties].

There is a cheapy that is unusually accurate for the price, about $25. A one-piece single axis with a range only up to 10 mG with anlalog dial and buzz. Small, cute (Lessemf.com).

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