Daylight Savings Time Change

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Senior Member
Did you know that Daylight Savings Time will be changing next year.

In Aug. 2005, Congress passed an energy bill that included extending Daylight Saving Time by about a month. Beginning in 2007, DST will start the second Sunday of March and end on the first Sunday of November.

I know this will become a headache for us.

How about all of the electronics that now automatically adjust for DST?

Time clocks, fire alarm panels, security panels, and other electronics.

This change will cause us to disable the automatic DST feature and revert to manual unless there is an update available from the manufacturer of the electronics.

I doubt that all can be updated.

I doubt that Congress never gave it a thought about the problems that will evolve from this change.

Most likely no one will make any changes it the programing because it is only a one month extension and will live with the problem.

I am sure it will cost some people more that they are suppose to save.
tkb said:
Did you know that Daylight Savings Time will be changing next year.

In Aug. 2005, Congress passed an energy bill that included extending Daylight Saving Time by about a month. Beginning in 2007, DST will start the second Sunday of March and end on the first Sunday of November.

I know this will become a headache for us.

How about all of the electronics that now automatically adjust for DST?

Time clocks, fire alarm panels, security panels, and other electronics.

This change will cause us to disable the automatic DST feature and revert to manual unless there is an update available from the manufacturer of the electronics.

I doubt that all can be updated.

I doubt that Congress never gave it a thought about the problems that will evolve from this change.

Most likely no one will make any changes it the programing because it is only a one month extension and will live with the problem.

I am sure it will cost some people more that they are suppose to save.

Actually it's outdated and should be goten rid of. It doesn't save anything, actually causes more expense, in my opinion.
I find it hard to believe that there is any savings whatsoever from Daylight Savings Time.
Depends on where your at on the globe. The northern states get quite a bit of benefit for it in regard to kids being seen. Southern states, pony up, the war of northern aggression continues to effect you.

I do have to agree though, lots of automated systems (especially computer driven equipment). Let's hope that they leave it alone,much bigger monsters need to be tended to than that.
Bremerton WA - Dec 21, 7:56 AM 4:22 PM 8 hrs and 26 mins of daylight
Bremerton WA - April 21, 6:11 AM 8:09 PM 13hrs and 58 mins of daylight

San Diego CA - Dec 21 6:47 AM 4:47 PM 10 hrs and 00 mins of daylight
San Diego CA - April 21 6:12 AM 7:23 PM 13hrs and 11 mins of daylight

Anchorage AK - Dec 21 10:14 AM 3:43 PM 5 hrs and 29 mins of daylight
Anchorage AK - April 21 6:20 AM 9:39 PM 15 hrs and 19 mins of daylight

It's a shortest day vs average daylight saving time roll-over. Pretty significant going north.
I'm well aware of Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) but this is ugly to...

U.S. and Alaska Alcohol Consumption Comparisons ... Alaska has the second highest growth rate per capita among all states, second only to Nevada.

See where I'm from, and see where I'm at. Hey it's beer thirty...gotta go!
I just wanna correct and say that it is Daylight Saving Time, not Daylight Saving(s) Time. Adding to the confusion is that the phrase Daylight Saving Time is inaccurate, since no daylight is actually saved. Daylight Shifting Time would be better, but it is not as politically desirable.
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Safety Reminder

Safety Reminder

A safety reminder

Many fire departments encourage people to change the batteries in their smoke detectors when they change their clocks because Daylight Saving Time provides a convenient reminder. "A working smoke detector more than doubles a person's chances of surviving a home fire," says William McNabb of the Troy Fire Department in Michigan. More than 90 percent of homes in the United States have smoke detectors, but one-third are estimated to have dead or missing batteries.
e57 said:
Has anyone heard that the date being moved up 3 weeks will end up being a mini Y2K, and a bunch of clocks that don't subscribe to Congressional Digest will be off an hour for three weeks?
Yes. At this very moment, I'm in my fallout shelter, surrounded by bottles of water and canned rations. The satellite uplink appears to work for now. :D
Well I am from Indianapolis where up until last year we didn't subscibe to this DST nonsence and now we are in the thick of it. I hate it and think it is totally moronic. The next time they extend DST we will only be on "standard time" for 2 months. There is nothing standard about standard time except that nobody seems to like the standard. As far as saving energy I think if they just shut down congress for 10 months out of the year we would save Billions and they could stop screwing with our lives in more than one way.
Stickboy I'm here to tell you that your wrong! Reason being is that I know that daylight is stored in my refrigerator, probably yours too, go look. So now you have daylight saved time!

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
stickboy1375 said:
A safety reminder

Many fire departments encourage people to change the batteries in their smoke detectors when they change their clocks because Daylight Saving Time provides a convenient reminder. "A working smoke detector more than doubles a person's chances of surviving a home fire," says William McNabb of the Troy Fire Department in Michigan. More than 90 percent of homes in the United States have smoke detectors, but one-third are estimated to have dead or missing batteries.

Thanks for the reminder.We all encourage this,but still have to educate the public.

Bob O.84,Pa.15330
A local TV station (talk show) was having a discussion on daylight saving time with a informal call-in poll about likes and dislikes.
One older lady called in to say that she hated daylight saving time because "That extra hour of sunlight was burning her grass up".
True story
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