Daylight Savings Time Change

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bikeindy said:
Great now my kids are walking to school in the dark this morning. I Love Congress.

If you've got kids walking to school you just might remember when we had "Double Daylight Savings Time" in the 1970's.

Someday Congress will get so carried away that each day will start at sundown. That way it will be daylight all the way to midnight!
We like 'time zones' because everyone in a large area uses the _same_ clock. Much more convenient, or so it would seem, then every town defining their own local 'high noon'.

But really, when the kids are going to school, does it really matter that they are arriving at the same time as some kids in a town several hundred miles away?

A local school board could adopt a schedule that goes (say) from an hour and a half after sunrise until 7 hours after sunrise. Every day the schedule 'by the clock' is a bit different. But every day 'by the sun' the schedule is the same.

Would really only make sense if lots of people had 'sun schedules' rather than 'clock schedules', otherwise picking up kids would be a nightmare, and kids that use public transit would also have to deal with changing schedules. But like the lady who's grass didn't like daylight savings time, we only get the 'extra hour in the evening' because we don't (or our employers don't) decide to start the day an hour later 'by the clock'.

Jes a random musin'

I am a victim of DST. Yesterday morning, my wife slept in while I set all the other clocks in the house. I didn't want to disturb her.

When I went to bed, the blurry "8" looked enough like a "9" I didn't notice.

The funny part is, when she went to bed, she set hers. :mad:

By my own internal alarm clock, I was still almost on time! :D
Mike03a3 said:
Some of us firmly believe that the bill of rights should have ended after the first five words:

"Congress shall make no law"

If the opposite of "pro" is "con", is the opposite of Progress Congress?
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