Definition mwbc

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Which brings us back to only one circuit vs a feeder.
Which brings us to the standard practice of considering a single MWBC as one circuit or two circuits as convenient. The entire thread is predicated on that, as:

225.30 tells us only one branch circuit or feeder to the detached garage, so for compliance with this requirement, we consider the MWBC as one circuit.

(2017) 210.11(C)(4) tells us we need one circuit for receptacles in the garage, and that the circuit shall have no other outlets. 210.70(A)(2) tells us we have to have a lighting outlet, which can't be on the 210.11(C)(4) circuit. So for these requirements, we consider the MWBC 2 circuits.

The upshot is that for each requirement we get to pick separately whether to treat the MWBC as one circuit or two circuits. Thus for 300.5 burial depth, we can choose to treat the MWBC as (2) 120V circuits, without impacting 225.30 compliance.

Cheers, Wayne
I am going to side with infinity on this one, its pretty clear you cant bury a circuit 6" if you can measure 240 on any part of it.
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