Delta and Wye

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OK, here goes, and if any members come up with a more understandable explanation, please jump in.

First we recognize that in a real world power system the voltages and phase angles may not be perfectly balanced to start with or may end up imbalanced because of unbalanced load or transmission conditions.
Now the voltages from line to neutral in a wye source will be whatever they are and the line to line voltages will be whatever the geometry of those vector voltages makes them. They will always be such that as you make a complete loop around the triangle of the three line terminals the voltages will add exactly to zero (Kirchoff's Laws, among other things.)
If you connect a balanced delta wired load to a wye source, the currents will be what they need to be, not necessarily balanced if the wye voltages are not balanced.
All good so far, but here comes the rub:
At the wye the line to neutral voltages can be unbalanced by a small amount with no consequences to speak of.
But when you add a wye to delta transformer, those unbalanced line to neutral voltages are transformed to unbalanced line to line voltages. And if the vector sum of those voltages around the triangle do not add up to zero substantial currents will flow in both secondary and primary, even with no loads attached.
Similar to what would happen if you tried to parallel the outputs of a 120 to 240 transformer and a 120 to 208 transformer with the same input voltage.
Very bad! In addition to overheating the transformer it can cause an overload of the unprotected neutral wire on the primary side.
As a practical matter, note that an open delta (two transformer) connection will NOT have this problem.

I believe the problem doesn't exist on multiple core transformer banks - like when POCO builds a bank out of three individual single phase transformers - they typically are a wye primary with a connection to neutral around here anyway, otherwise you would see two bushing transformers - very rare in this area, maybe even non existent on distribution lines.
I believe the problem doesn't exist on multiple core transformer banks - like when POCO builds a bank out of three individual single phase transformers - they typically are a wye primary with a connection to neutral around here anyway, otherwise you would see two bushing transformers - very rare in this area, maybe even non existent on distribution lines.

A good observation, and worthy of comment:
It may be worse with a single core three transformer, bit it happens with three independent pots too.
Your observation tells us two things:
1. POCO does a very good job of maintaining balance, at least on their primaries. Less so on a random load customer service.
2. The caution on this config in the PDF stresses that the taps must be set identically and the transformer impedances must match.
And I will add:
3. In the POCO situation the wye-delta will actually try, via circulating currents, to force voltage balance on the primary side. POCO may actually appreciate this at the end of a long run. A customer transformer, OTOH, on the other hand will destroy itself trying to wag the POCO dog.
We don't build three transformer wye-delta banks very often any more. Two pot open delta is the standard. However, we have thousands of three pot wye-delta in service from 30 and 40 years ago and they give no more trouble than any other configuration. I know of a number of large banks, say two 50's for the wing pots and a 100 for the lighting pot, with maybe 15 or even 20 customers connected. This would typically be in an urban, heavily populated area, a mix of residential and commercial. There might be 2 three phase customers on the bank and the other dozen plus single phase. You do the calculations and you say, man, that bank is being pushed to the limit. The circulating currents on the delta side are high. It's overdue to fail. Then you go in the field to take a look and see that all three pots and all connections are original. Thirty or forty years old and still rocking along. You shake your head and mumble, "They really knew how build transformers back then," and move on to the next job.

As far as POCO's maintaining good primary voltage balance, that's mostly dumb luck. You have to have the individual primary phase loadings very far out of whack to introduce significant primary voltage imbalance. The most I can recall seeing on the 13.2 kv side was around 2%. This was enough, however, to wreak havoc with a rural water plant's solid state controllers, which tripped on current imbalance for some 75 HP pump motors.
I just do not see where you are getting 60 degrees.
If AB, BC and CA each differ by 60 degrees, AB will be 180 degrees out of phase with itself.
It may be 60 degrees between waveform zero crossings, but it is 120 degrees between positive-going zero crossings!
And for power measurements it really makes a difference between 60 and 120.
D'oh! I meant 120 degrees, of course. Please forgive the brainfart. As you were.

But my question still is: if you compare A to N with A to B, what is the phase relationship of the waveforms?
D'oh! I meant 120 degrees, of course. Please forgive the brainfart. As you were.

But my question still is: if you compare A to N with A to B, what is the phase relationship of the waveforms?
If you assign 0? to AN...

?B (or BA) would be -150?...

so AB is +30?.
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