I see in the 08 code, Table 310.15(B)(2)(c) gives adjustments for conduits Exposed to sunlight on or above rooftops. The adders are based on averaging of the ambient temps. That seems pretty clear.
What about conduits installed outside, on a wall, that see a wide range of temps from morning shade to afternoon sun?
At what point are the correction factors found in table 310.16 implemented?
Is there a specific length of time above 86F allowable before derating begins?
Is the ambient temp found by averaging the location's temps over a specific time period?
Any specific code articles that apply here?
What about conduits installed outside, on a wall, that see a wide range of temps from morning shade to afternoon sun?
At what point are the correction factors found in table 310.16 implemented?
Is there a specific length of time above 86F allowable before derating begins?
Is the ambient temp found by averaging the location's temps over a specific time period?
Any specific code articles that apply here?