There are two different ways (my understanding) of grounding a separately derived system, looking at atricle 250 the neutral and ground connection can either be made within the transformer enclosure or at the first means of disconnect. My question is what way is perfered by the contractor? Is there an advantage to one over the other? The question comes up because the office I currently work in has a grounding detail sheet that is issued with every Job new or exisitng (it is up to the engineer to make any modifications necessary as this is just a starting point) but for all derived systems it shows the neutral / ground connection at the transformer. Is there a distinct advantage to this? This would be more costly correct as the main bonding jumper would need to be sized per 250.66, our specs also call for 200% neutrals this increases the size of conduit also not to metion is there enough room within a transformer to terminate all these connections? One last thing by deriving your system at the transformer (neutral / ground bond) could there be a potential difference between neutral and ground as the neutral will cary the load inbalance and dependant on the distance voltage drop could occur witch would create a difference between ground and neutral (not equpitonteal) Just a question? Thanks in advance for your help.