You make a good point RE: the 14-50R. Instead of showing that receptacle on my plans, I can just draw a 4SQ behind the range, have the Contractor flex over to it, and perform the make up in the box. Depending on what I find out RE: the use of the neutral, I may do as I said previously and slap a warning sticker on the wall or the 4SQ cover.
I actually just gave AGA's HQ in the UK a call. What I did not know is that today (4/5) is a UK Bank Holiday.

Oh well, I am typically up this late during the week so I will try to give them a call again tomorrow. I sent them an email last week as well. So, between the calls and email, hopefully I can reach someone knowledgeable soon. I'm also hoping to get a call back from Middleby International later today. I spoke with someone on Friday who was unable to answer my questions but said he had someone on his team he was confident could. Unfortunately, he was off on Friday but is supposed to be back at work today. <fingers crossed>
If this range really cannot operate at 208VAC and they confirm that the schematic in the user's guide is not accurate and the neutral is needed, I am honestly leaning towards installing a general purpose dry type distribution transformer like one of the following:
Eaton S29N11E15N - Platt
Acme T279747S - Platt
They are definitely more expensive than the boost / autotransformers I was considering, but they will provide everything I need. I have room in my Elec room for either. I also have room on an adjacent wall for a fused disconnect to cover the secondary protection. Although, with the added cost of the transformer, disconnect, and wiring, the overall cost of this range would be >$10k. That's a bit much. I will definitely be pushing back on my Architect to try and find a suitable replacement.