Devices in flood zone

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New member
I can not find in the NEC requirements for devices (switches & receptacles) in the fllod zone for a Condo building. is this more of a FEMA requirement? Or is in the NEC and have just missed.


Senior Member
This would be an issue outlined in your local building code. Check to see if your state and/or county has adopted a coast construction / floodplain protection standard.

If you would like to review the FEMA requirements, check out Bulletin 499.


Senior Member
If your jurisdiction has joined NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program) then they would have adopted floodplain regulations by ordinance. These would not be very trade specific, mainly dealing with lowest floor elevation and elevation of exterior equipment associated with the structure.

As Bryan mentioned, your local building code should address it. For instance: Section R324 of the 2006 International Residential Code (Flood Resistant Contstruction) requires that electrical wiring systems meet the electrical requirements for wet locations.

Hope this helps.


Staff member
Simi Valley, CA
The building it's self is required to be 1' to 2' above the base elevation of a 100 year flood. If the water get's deep enough to reach the electrical then you are already in deep caca.

There are some requirements if you cannot get above that level, but they are FEMA requirements and you would need to get the information from them.
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