Did I estimate too much?

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Romex Racer said:
If someone offered you $500 to take a baseball bat and beat a stranger to death would you do it? If your answer is no, you are not cut out for residential electrical contracting.

I thought Brooklyn was tough!
Quote "Customers are more savy than he gives them credit for and I prefer honesty over snake oil salesmanship as do most of the people I deal with. "

Bravo Electricmanscott!
Romex Racer said:
A separate 15 Amp circuit for the smoke detectors?

You cannot make money in residential wiring unless you get jobs. You get jobs by being the low bidder. Be very specific in your bid as to the quantites of each item you propose to install. Never use phrases like "Wire to code" or "per plan".

So how do you get away with not wire to code or as per plan. Most plans I ahve ever seen say " EC will follow code. this plan is provided as a graphical representation only. It is the EC reponsibility to provide a working code compliant system.

The plans may not say this exactly but most say similar.
Furthermore it is inplied.
I don;t know how you can stick it to them on extras.. Most contracts specify a amount for labor and materials should there be extra work..

So I how is it you get to slam them on the extras?
Sierrasparky said:
So how do you get away with not wire to code or as per plan. Most plans I ahve ever seen say " EC will follow code. this plan is provided as a graphical representation only. It is the EC reponsibility to provide a working code compliant system.

The plans may not say this exactly but most say similar.
Furthermore it is inplied.
I don;t know how you can stick it to them on extras.. Most contracts specify a amount for labor and materials should there be extra work..

So I how is it you get to slam them on the extras?
This is the language that covers the arch. butt:
"EC will follow code. this plan is provided as a graphical representation only. It is the EC reponsibility to provide a working code compliant system."
A working code compliant system is the EC's responsibility. As an arch., it's not his responsibility to show the wiring. He may not be licensed to perform such detail.

The wording is rather vague in that note: to provide a working code compliant system.
Who decides on that?
The NEC...as a minimum fits that language.
Anything over providing a working code compliant system(aka, minimum standard)is an extra, unless of course all parties have agreed, in writing, to the changes and costs associated with the changes.
have any of you done a typical residential remodel lately?

real plans? architect? what the heck do they have to do with your avg. residential remodel?

most resi gc's have a scale drawing that they did, and you work off of that. All the caveats that you see on commercial prints...no where to be found here.

at least that was our experience.
Residential Estimating

Residential Estimating

Dont Fret Too Much About Your Bid, It Looks Pretty Solid, I Guess, It Depends On What States And Areas Your In To See If It Is Competative. I Am A Jersey Based Ec And Has An Average Sized Shop Which We Bid Many Residental Projects Across The State. I Found Out Thru Many Years Of Estimating These Projects Your Always Gonna Be Low Bidded By Other Contractors Who Perhaps Have Less Overhead And Profit Margins.we Mostly Use Unit Pricing To Get Bids And Stick With It, Because If You Figure Your Expenses To Do Specific Type Of Work You Should Be In The Same Ballpark As Most, You Will Never Compete With The Guy Working From His Trunk With No Overhead. I Never Changed My Bid On Most Projects, Due To Sometimes I Been Asked To Sharpen My Pencil To Get A Job, And I Figured If I Must Do That, What Will They Think Of My Original Number ,was I Overcharging Them Or What?you Go With The Flow, Win Some, Lose Some.all In All If Your Honest You Will Get Work.when You Bid List Everything Your Gonna Give Them For The Price Your Asking, So The Customer Can Weigh Apples Against Apples. I Found Out Alot, Most Contractors That Bid Low Leave Out Alot Of Items That Cost The Consumer A Great Deal Later After Awarding Someone The Contract.
Food For Thought.
Happy Easter , Hope It Helped

you must of graduated from a NJ public high school :D

where in NJ? there are a bunch of us here (watch out for Celtic, he wears a pocket protector;))
As A Matter Of Fact I Did! Lol
Clinton Nj Here. Industrial, Commercial, Residential Ec Here Doing Well Even After 30+ Years (god Will I Ever Retire) Lol

good luck up there...a little too crowded for me. you are right up in Celt's neighborhood i think. i'm down the shore, exit 105.

you've been at this as long as my father. that makes you officially old. have a great holiday:D


Not Old Just Well Seasoned I Prefer.
But Your Employees Can Sure Give You Gray Hairs At Times. I Keep Saying Keep The Cards And Letters Coming, Or Darn Where Did I Park My Caddy Today. Lol



Thanks for the support. You and I think alike.

It's just fustrating sometimes when you get undercut by someone!

By the way, I graduated from a NJ high school too, North Bergen High,

Class of 82, Glad to see many contractors from Jersey visit this site.
Buy A Boat, Go Fishing And Call It A Day, I Did Been In The Doghouse Ever Since.lol

Obviously you are not aware of what a BOAT stands for?

B - break
O - out
A - another
T - thousand

If this doesn't bother you, I have "the test" to determine if you need to buy the one you're looking at....
when i was younger, i raced sailboats...my favorite way that ocean racing was described to me was:

"put on rain gear, stand in a cold shower, and rip up $100 bills" - that pretty much sums up ocean racing.


I Recently Bought A Boat To Enjoy, A 48 Foot Meridian Yacht , Its No Lil Power Boat And I Enjoy Spending Time On It. It's My Retirement Home So What The Heck. I Know Its Gonna Be My Money Pit But After I Retire A Bad Day Of Fishing Still Beats A Good Day At Work.plus I Can Bring 10 Of My Closest Friends For A Day Of Fishing And Fun.it's All Good And To Boot My Wifey Was All For It. Go Figure
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