Dielectric Hydraulic Fluid/Oil

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Hoping someone will be kind enough to help me solve what I thought would be an easy task...I have a small pond with a waterfall and the pump required maintenance. Manufacturer (EasyPro) stated that I needed to replace the oil inside with 3.4 oz of Light Weight Dielectric Hydraulic Oil.
I have searched high and low with no luck finding anything less than a 5 gallon bucket online. I did find locally MAG1 ISO 32 Hydraulic Fluid in 1 gallon size but it 1) doesn't say it's dielectric 2) Says its Fluid not Oil

1) Is Hydraulic Fluid and Hydraulic Oil interchangeable?
2) Is the MAG1 product one that I can use since it's fluid not oil and doesn't say it's dielectric?
3) If no to #2, best recommendation for buying small quantity? I live in major metro area of Atlanta - If not a regular store, what type of maintenance/repair shop would use this product? Perhaps I can contact them to sell me a small amount?

Below are links to the MAG1 Fluid Specs and the EasyPro Pump I'm trying to fix if that helps.

Thank you for any help provided!
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