Dimmable can lights

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peter d said:
ALL cfl's presently suck.

IMO of course. :D
The only self-ballasted CFL's that I like enough to supply myself at the moment are the Phillips one's. Certain TCP's are okay, and certain one's not, but I can't tell the good one's from the bad one's by looking at them.
cowboyjwc said:
Ahhh yes, "Don't worry ma'am I'll make this work if its costs every penny you've got.":grin:

The way I have computed the cost of the cfl's, trims, lamps and install versus the same for incandescent she will recoup her investment in energy savings in 40 years:confused:
Why not install recessed LEDs? They use even less power then the CFLs and are dimmable down to around 10-20%. They are less then $100 a light now.
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