Dimmer lamp hum

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I replaced an existing candelabra type fixture with a new chandelier that uses 6 standard base 60 watt bulbs mounted with the light bulb bases up. After I restored the power the existing dimmer would hum when I dimmed the lights. The dimmer never had this problem with the old style fixture and lamps. The new lamps total 360 watts on a 600 watt dimmer. I replaced the dimmer twice, with two different Levaton dimmers and still have the same problem. The lighting store that sold the chandelier said it is the bulbs but that they did not know what type would fix the problem. The Light Bulb Co said that it was the dimmer. Any ideas?
Re: Dimmer lamp hum

What is the voltage rating of the bulbs?

We used to install 130v. lamps because they would last longer.
We now always install 120v. lamps because the 130v. lamps will hum when dimmed and they caused a few calls after a homeowner would move in and change the wall switch to a dimmer.
Re: Dimmer lamp hum

The lamps are 120 volt. I think that it is the dimmer but not sure if there is a dimmer that would keep this from happening. I even tried par 30 floods to see if it was the lamp that was the problem but it had the same result.
Re: Dimmer lamp hum


What power (total) in lamps was the candelabra?

I think I may know the answer, but would appreciate the input first.

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