dimmer switches use current

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Interesting subject. While reading this I wondered instead of a dimmer, would there be a saving's using a normal 3 way bulb (25w-50w-100w) and a 4 position switch off - low - med - high? I imagine the fixture would have to accept it.

Just thinking.
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Interesting subject. While reading this I wondered instead of a dimmer, would there be a saving's using a normal 3 way bulb (25w-50w-100w) and a 4 position switch off - low - med - high? I imagine the fixture would have to be accept it.

Just thinking.

now you are talking , thats only way to dim the lights and get the power reduced by the exact amount of light you receive , good for you , the dimmers just waste power . to my knowledge only lamps are made to do this , to bad they need fixtures this way to with the energy thing going on
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