Disconnect Means in photovoltaic 690.14(C)(1)

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(C) Disconnect means shall be provided to disconnect all conductors in a building or structure from Photovoltaic system conductors.(1) Photovoltaic disconnecting means shall be installed at a readily accessible location.------ My interpretation of this you would need a disconnect on the roof and one by the inverter if on the DC side, what I have seen is only one disconnect by the inverter, a Fire Department Captain ask the question how do you turn power off to wires interring a house off the PV system. They had a instances were they were getting shock trying to vent a house after a they had put the fire out when the touched the fiberglass insulation that was wet.
That section requires that the disconnect be outside and readily accessible, or else inside 'nearest the point of entry' of the conductors. Note that if you comply with 690.31(E), in the 2011 code, the disconnect can be farther away from the point of entry.

In the 2011 and prior codes, is no code requirement for a disconnect on the roof. In the 2014 code, there is a requirement for a 'rapid shutdown' feature that cuts the available power below certain limits if farther than 10ft from the array. A disconnect on the roof would qualify for meeting this requirement, as would many other methods.

A few AHJs I've worked with require a DC disconnect on the roof, and I've never argued with them about it because it makes a certain amount of sense for the reasons you stated.
future safety

future safety

That section requires that the disconnect be outside and readily accessible, or else inside 'nearest the point of entry' of the conductors. Note that if you comply with 690.31(E), in the 2011 code, the disconnect can be farther away from the point of entry.

In the 2011 and prior codes, is no code requirement for a disconnect on the roof. In the 2014 code, there is a requirement for a 'rapid shutdown' feature that cuts the available power below certain limits if farther than 10ft from the array. A disconnect on the roof would qualify for meeting this requirement, as would many other methods.

A few AHJs I've worked with require a DC disconnect on the roof, and I've never argued with them about it because it makes a certain amount of sense for the reasons you stated.

690.14 (C) disconnect means for all conductors of a photovoltaic system in a building or structure- Maybe the codes need to be re-vised and strictly enforced for the safety of the Firemen as more homes are adding solar we need to make it safer for them, one firemen goes around and shuts power off before water is put on the house, but now they run into a house with solar they have to stop look think is power still live or not and lose valuable time trying to save the house cause safety is more important.
The rapid shutdown disconnect in [2014] can be located inside the building if close enough to the entry point.
And in [2011] the DC disconnect can still be at the other end of the wire if the right conditions are met.
But you are right that it may sometimes be required.

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Fireman safety

Fireman safety

So what do the fireman do when a house has solar and they are afraid of electrical shock cause they can turn AC power off but the DC side might still be HOT. So they just sit back watch the house burn down and keep the fire from spreading. I am just asking the question that was asked of me an looking for outside help to answer this question or have changes made.
Well, the commonly suggested solution is to take a fire axe to each of the panels.
But this assumes that there is some clear space to stand within reach of the panels.

Unless the DC conductors enter the building, right?

No. That's a misinterpretation that I've only seen enforced in Austin and Oregon. See the Exception to 690.14(C)(1) in NEC 2011. If you put the dc conductors in metal conduit per 690.31(E), Code allows you to run through a building to a remote dc disco.
No. That's a misinterpretation that I've only seen enforced in Austin and Oregon. See the Exception to 690.14(C)(1) in NEC 2011. If you put the dc conductors in metal conduit per 690.31(E), Code allows you to run through a building to a remote dc disco.
Well, I'm in Austin, you know. :D
And I used to live in OR before coming to Austin. Apparently, I can't escape the tyranny of the rooftop disconnect, which no one will ever use, but everyone has to look at. It just perpetuates the idea that solar is ugly and doesn't fit in a residential setting. Plus, it drives up costs unnecessarily.

Austin used to require visible/lockable ac disconnects on both sides of their PV REC meter. I hope they finally realized that cutting power to a utility-interactive inverter deenergizes its output circuit.
needs change

needs change

No. That's a misinterpretation that I've only seen enforced in Austin and Oregon. See the Exception to 690.14(C)(1) in NEC 2011. If you put the dc conductors in metal conduit per 690.31(E), Code allows you to run through a building to a remote dc disco.

Maybe this is the one that needs to be changed to prevent energized wires in a building or structure. Firemen use 8 foot long poles with hooks at the end to poke thru thru the ceiling to vent the area out and to check for hot spots in the attic. Now how would like to throw water on something that is energized, not me. Firemen try not to when they can prevent it. That's why the Trailer goes around shutting off power to the house first.
That's why the CMP added 690.12 Rapid Shutdown requirements in NEC 2014. Here's an excerpt from a SolarPro magazine article on NEC 2014 changes:

Section 690.12 ?Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems on Buildings?

The rapid shutdown requirements in Section 690.12 are arguably the most important (and contentious) additions to NEC 2014. According to Code expert John Wiles, the senior research engineer at the Southwest Technology Development Institute, ?The rapid shutdown requirements in 690.12 will have significant and far-reaching impacts on PV system designs and the design of PV equipment.?

As originally proposed, for improved electrical and fire safety, Section 690.12 would have required module-level emergency shutdown capabilities for PV systems on buildings. However, the consensus language that was ultimately accepted?developed by members of the CMP No. 4 Firefighter Safety Task Group, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) Codes and Standards Working Group and the PV Industry Forum?requires that conductors associated with a PV system, whether ac or dc, be able to be de-energized on demand, so that any portion of the conductors that remain energized do not extend more that 10 feet from the PV array or more than 5 feet within a building.

As explained in the NEC 2014 Handbook: ?First responders must contend with elements of a PV system that remain energized after the service disconnect is opened. This rapid-shutdown requirement provides a zone outside of which the potential for shock hazard has been mitigated. Conductors more than 5 feet inside a building or more than 10 feet from an array will be limited to a maximum of 30 V and 240 VA within 10 seconds of shutdown.?

Equipment options. While the equipment used to perform rapid shutdown must be listed and identified, it does not have to be listed specifically for the purpose of rapid shutdown of PV systems. For example, string inverters located on a commercial rooftop within 10 feet of a PV array would meet the requirements of Section 690.12, as would microinverters or ac PV modules installed on the roof of a residence. In both instances, if first responders were to shut down power to the premises, there would be no uncontrolled energized conductors beyond 10 feet of the array.

Listed contactor combiner boxes provide another means of meeting Section 690.12 using off-the-shelf components. Simply locate the contactor combiner boxes within 10 feet of the PV array and find a suitable location for the control switch or button. The contactors will open upon loss of utility power or in the event that the control switch is operated. The voltage and power limits in Section 690.12 still allow for 24-volt control circuits, which can be used to operate contactors in dc combiner boxes and allow for Code compliance in the event that the rapid shutdown is initiated by means other than opening the service disconnect. Another design option is to specify dc-to-dc converter systems that comply with the rapid shutdown requirements for PV systems on buildings.

Identification and location. The power-source identification requirements for facilities with rapid shutdown are found in Section 690.56(C). A permanent plaque or directory must be provided that includes the following text:



This label must be reflective, with white capitalized letters (3/8 inch or taller) against a red background. These formatting requirements are consistent with those found in the 2012 International Fire Code. Reflective labels are intended to both alert first responders to potential hazards?such as conduits containing PV source or output circuits [see 690.31(G)(4)]?and allow them to quickly identify the means for de-energizing these circuits. Ideally, additional language will specify the appropriate shutdown procedure and a directory will identify the extent of the controlled circuits.

While the Code does not specify where the control point for rapid shutdown equipment is to be located, this is not an oversight. According to Brooks, who submitted the original proposal, the lack of specificity is intended to provide integrators and AHJs with the flexibility to determine the best location for each site. Brook explains: ?Since the goal of rapid shutdown is firefighter safety, the ideal control point for the rapid shutdown system is wherever fire service personnel will go to shut off electricity to the site in the event of an emergency. Most of the time, the electric utility control point is at the service disconnecting means. However, there may be situations where the fire department?s utility control point for a facility is not the location of the service disconnecting means. Rather than requiring a specific location, Section 690.12 allows for flexibility.?

Because PV systems vary considerably in terms of configuration and architecture, this design flexibility is important. For PV systems without energy storage, designers may choose to initiate rapid shutdown whenever utility voltage is lost. In this scenario, PV system circuits on or in a building are controlled whenever a disconnect or circuit breaker in the inverter output circuit is opened, the utility meter is pulled, the main service disconnect is opened, there is a general grid outage and so forth. However, PV systems with energy storage will require a different approach, one that ensures that battery circuits and backup loads shut down only during an emergency and not simply whenever utility voltage is lost.
In a way, pre-2014 NEC, the conduit containing the pv system conductors (DC) is treated kind of like a service drop conduit. After all, you are right, they are both "permanently" energized, so currently the NEC just makes it so it can be identified outside and turned off inside.

The requirements also include:
must be metal
must be labelled w/reflective, red labels every ten feet
must have disconnect when penetrating building envelope.
must be under 18" deep from roof surface when in attic
or must be labelled on roof otherwise.

Also the panels are often required to be mounted 3 feet from the roof ridge. That ensures no panels are where the firemen want to axe thru the ridge.

You are right, there is no way to kill power to the panels themselves. On the other hand, they are obvious and large.

For now, i sleep well by employing ungrounded systems and micro-inverter systems.
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